safe sex storyin `What?' AlthoughI acted shocked,from the firsthair stroking requestI was suspectingthis. Franco's gazehad not beenentirely confined tomy face. Itwas still ashock to actuallyhear it though.One often thinksor fantasises butthere is adefinite line betweenthat and theactual act. Havingthose words spokencrossed that threshold.The words seemto occupy thecarriage as theTuscan scenery passedby, unaffected bymy dilemma. Itwas a purelyinternal dilemma. Itwas whether Iwanted to crossthat threshold ornot. And notjust then, notjust with thesemen, but ever.
Then theguests started toarrive. First wasSonia, a blondeand, although English,clearly cut fromthe same bossymould as Magda.She was olderbut she'd dressedup too, whichwasn't so surprisinganymore. Clearly theReader's Wives Clubliked to struttheir stuff.
Assoon as Ihad recovered andstood up fromthe bed ontrembling legs, Iindicated to Jillian.In an instantshe let goof Richards torturedprick and swiftlyfinished herself offwith her fingers.
"Diana, being underthe control ofsomeone who remindsyou of yourfather excites youeven more, doesn'tit?"
The Strangercontinued to manipulatethe woman's wetpussy while Vincentand Gabrielle readilycontinued to watch,their own needsand desires nearlytaking over. Theycould not, however,take their eyesoff of theStranger, imagining whathis power anddarkness must makehim capable of.Although this wasonly speculation ontheir part forthey knew noteven half ofhis true capabilities.
Ann waslying back onthe bed, withher top pulledup to herneck, and herski pants werelong gone, tossedoff somewhere inthe room. Herpanties were hangingoff one prettyankle, and herhands had pushedup her braand were graspingat her lushbreasts.
"What wegonna play?" shegiggled.
The soundsof the crowdedbar came suddenlybursting forth uponus then asI sucked ather tongue, sothat Marilyn andI were suddenlythe center ofa warm rollingaural embrace --and as Marilyn'smouth continued atmy face, approvalsof applause descendedupon us!
Steff just hadto get fuckedby a realcock, and soon.She was goingto work behindthe bar atthe bowling alleythat night. Shecould probably luresomeone into aquickie during oneof her breaks,but what shereally wanted wasJim's cock. Itwas so thickand hard. Shecould almost feelit throbbing inher mouth.
'God,'she thought, 'thisis absolutely wonderful.Oh my God,it's coming, it'sgetting nearer allthe time, yes,yes, ohhhhhh yeeeees,'and she thrustthe last fewstrokes and thenhad to stopas she wastotally overcome bythe orgasm thatmoved out fromher vagina, andwent all alongher nervous systemto reach theoutermost parts ofher body.
Imoved forward andbegan to lickat her pussy.I ran myhands up overher legs, acrossher stomach andlatched onto eachnipple. They werehard. Her breastswere a delightto fondle, niceand firm. Mywife, because shebreastfed our kidshas lost someof the firmness.Not that I'mcomplaining though, Ilove breasts howeverthey hang!
Betty smiled shyly."He won't letme wear anythis weekend."
"It'sokay, Josephine. Apartfrom one scotchand one glassof wine earlierthis afternoon, Iam as soberas a judge...and this champagneof course. Verygood it istoo."
Hefelt his cockbecoming erect againas he continuedhis speculations. Heshuddered, shaking awaythe sexy imagesin his mindof his wifeand oldest daughter,naked and joined,mouths to cunts.His cock lengthenedsome more.
Hishead tilted tothe side, helooked at me,his brows furrowed.He started tospeak, then seemedto change hismind, and simplywalked away. Iwatched him go,unwillingly noticing forthe first timehow his jeanshugged his trimbutt. I drewin a rathershaky breath, andforced my eyesback to thehorses. After afew minutes, hethundered away onIsis, and Inoticed that hewasn't using asaddle.
The limocomes to astop and thedriver comes aroundand opens thedoor. We getout of thecar and walktowards the entranceof the massivebuilding. I cansee the awein your eyesas we approach.I remember feelingthe same waywhen I firstsaw it. Ihold you closeto me asthe door opensand the maninside welcomes us,takes your coatand my wrapand then pointsin the directionfor us togo.
"Irealized why Ileft you thatmorning," Alexis saidquietly.
"Yeahright," I shookmy head andstood there amoment until Icould speak ina more reasonablevoice. "She's anice girl, Liam,really sweet, witha good heart.And you don'teven know thatabout her. Youdon't even care!"I turned onmy heel andgrabbed my coatout of thecloset. Liam wasstill trying todefend himself whenI slammed thefront door behindme.
Dad wasjust leaving forwork when wepulled up infront of thehouse and wewaved at eachother. Once insidethe house momkicked off herheels, grabbed myhand and pulledme to herbedroom. We neverleft the bed,not even toeat, until halfan hour beforedad was dueto get home.I ate myfirst pussy, Ihad anal sexfor the firsttime and mom(excuse me, it'sKathy when wefuck) and Kathyfucked me moretimes than Ican remember beforeshe got upto fix dadhis dinner. Afterdinner dad gota beer andheaded for hisrecliner to plopdown in frontof the TVand mom wentdown into thebasement and sheasked me tocome along andhelp her bringup a coupleof loads oflaundry. When wegot to thebasement she askedme to handher a cleanpair of socksfrom the clothesbasketand I did.She smiled atme, put therolled up socksin her mouthand then turnedand bent forwardover the washingmachine. It didn'ttake a geniusto figure outwhat she wantedand when Imoved behind herand lifted herskirt up Isaw that shedidn't have onany panties. Shespread her legsand I drovemy cock home.
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
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