Thursday, April 19, 2007

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sex pregnant familyguy She giggledat that. "Yourgrasp of thebanal is staggering."She said, andkissed him onthe lips. "Youmake light ofmy woes, andmake them lighterby doing so."She looked upat the sky."I will notyet despair formyself or myclan."

Sarah noddedand looked upat Jake. "Youwant to seesomething really hot?"She asked him.

"I never hada father Mark.I never hada wife. Icouldn't relate toanyone. I willmost likely bean unhappy manfor the restof my life.How is ityou get ascar like thaton your chestand one deepone in thesmall of yourback?"

"Bea, I'mnot going tospread your legs,you are. THENI'll chain themin place," hetold her.

Ijust wanted tofeel my cockin her mouth,but the urgeto push deeperwas too much.I recalled thecountless times whenwatching TV withher - gettinghard as Idiscretely look atevery bit ofher young body.Watching her watchTV as Iimagine myself pushingmy cock deepinto my daughter'sthroat. Sometimes whenI'm raging, herdiscomfort when shedeepthroats excites mefurther - andI was ragingright then, rightthere.

"Well,what are youwaiting for, comesuck your Daddy'slove tool" Tomsaid.

The nexttime she woke,the sun wasjust coming upand Carl wasin the roomundressing. He lookedover at heras she moved,returning her smile.

After a coupleof hours, Bethreturned, and wasgreeted with ahug from bothMary and John.She informed themof where herfather had takenher, then saidshe would walkJohn home. Marytold her therewas no need,for he coulduse the sparebedroom if heliked. John agreed,and so thenight soon cameto an end,with everyone retiringfor the night.

That evening, thetwo men satat the kitchentable eating asalad Bruce hadmade them fordinner. Greg eyedthe man longas he sethis fork downon the platechewing.

I didso, and wechatted several moretimes. Each involvedher giving memore and moreintimate details. Theshort version isthat her husbandwas really prettymuch of awimp. She rantheir lives, especiallywhen it cameto sex. Andhe actually seemedto enjoy beingsubservient. Like manymen who arepowerful in theirdaily lives (Igathered he wasvery successful inbusiness) he washappy to haveher run theirprivate life together.

Finally, I stoodup and withdrewmy dick frommy sister. Wewere both sweating,but it wasa good kindof sweat. Erintraced her fingerlightly up anddown my chest,and smiled.

Brittanycast her eyesto the floorin embarrassment, handsfidgeting in herlap, not surehow to respond.The air wasstill and allwas silent savethe clatter ofthe slaves preparingthe feast intermittentlydrifting by. Sapphireglided to herbrother's bed andsat down nextto his concubine.Brittany scooted awayfrom her, neverbringing her eyesfrom the floor.They sat insilence in theglow of thecrackling hearth.

"Well,is there anythingelse that Ican get someone?"John says ashe comes backinto the roomand hands Samand Meg bottlesof cold beer."It is goodto see youboth. Have youbeen able topractice any athome, Meg?"

"TellSandra that I'mjust going overto Tyrone's, I'llbe back ina few hours."He told me.

"When I havethe proper outfitI would bedelighted to accompanyyou," she responded.

Eventhough an oldercouple got inthe elevator withus, that didn'tdeter us fromlip-locking like teenagersin a backseat.Oblivious to them,I pinned herin a corner,squeezing her breastsforcefully. She inturn had oneleg raised andwrapped around myhips, dry-humping myleg. A bellsounded for theirfloor, and theyexited silently. Ourfloor came up,and we exitedstill connected atthe lips. Oncein the corridor,Torrie broke fromme, and gavea quick lookdown the hallway.With no onein sight, shepeeked at meand unzipped herdress. It fellto the floor,she stepped outand ran toour room, Istood there enjoyingthe spectacle. Thatfamiliar twinge hitmy crotch asI picked upthe dress andchased after. Itoo stripped asmuch as Icould while goingdown the hall,becoming topless whenI reached herat our door.She began onmy pants asI fished thekey out thepocket. They ploppeddown to myankles as Iput the keyin the door.

As the baby-featuredgirl with theturned-up nose wentto his kneesbefore him, Mikehad no ideayet just howright Jilly wasgoing to treathim. After thatfirst glimpse, Jillysucked Mike offevery way theycould think of.Every lunchtime atthe office, shewould jerk Mikeoff into herluscious mouth anddrink him, orshe would suckhim off withher mouth alone,licking and suckingup and downfaster and fasteruntil her prettydark-blonde head wasa blur andMike exploded intoher hot, hungry
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