Thursday, April 19, 2007

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big lots cockfucked Marca openedthe door justenough to lethim see herbig 40DD ina white bikinitop. "Look hemay come homeearly and youdon't want toget caught herewith me, hewill beat theshit out ofyou."

Sarahreached behind herand released herbra. She removedit and hertits fell towardher sides. Tim'seyes opened asbig as saucers.They were magnificent.Yes Sarah wasbig, but ifthat meant thosewere attached toit, he lovedher big body.He immediately movedto her andstraddled her chest.He placed hisrigid cock betweenher tits. Itlooked small betweenher big tits,but he didn'tseem to notice.He just grabbedthem both andsurrounded his shaftwith those beauties.He started movinghis hips backand forth ashe squeezed herboobs around hisdick. It wasnot going totake long. Timseemed to geteven more excitedwhen he atepussy than anyother time inhis sexual experiences.On top ofthat, he wastitty fucking thebest set oftits he hadever seen.

Amixture of mycome and hersran out ofher cunt, drippedall the wayfrom my cockto my mouthwith the majorityof it gushinginto my waitingmouth. I lickedand sucked itup as fastas I could,trying to getit all. Therewas my come,her juices, andyes, I supposethere was stilla little ofthat other guyssperm there too.I started immediatelygetting hard againas I cleanedher up, lickingup every lastdrop that comeout of hersex hole, andthen licking thesexy pussy lips,getting them allnice and cleantoo.

"Stay herewith me."

Bradwatched for Alicia'sreaction as hefinally revealed thecost of livingin this littleapartment. "$1500 permonth," he statedsimply. As sheturned to himin shock, hecontinued, "That's therent for thisapartment with onlythe basic services.It goes upfrom there. Doyou like it?"

Every Saturday, thenew game starts,8 PM sharp.On the whiteboard in thekitchen a singleline is drawnshowing the pointI have earnedfor my weekof chastity. Myhands are cuffedto the neckcollar, and mydick is setfree. The "brabag" is emptiedon the tablein front ofus, and westart the negotiation.While I alwaysstart out thinkingthat this isthe week thatI will holdout for severalmore weeks, sheinsists on reviewingall the options.In no timemy cock isdrooling a steadystream of pre-cum,puddling on thechair beneath me.The first weekwe played, twofull weeks sincemy last orgasmafter she announceda week of"down time" betweengames, I gotcaught in hertrap. Before wecould get pastmy first "tradeup option" asshe calls it,I begged herfor the handjob she hadnever offered mebefore. She askedme several timesif I wassure, if Iknew the consequences,but I beggedfor her handto touch myaching member. Hertechnique was incredibleand highly skilled.She had melay on myback on thefloor, and straddledmy thighs. Herenormous chest heavedas she startedinto stroking me.In no time,I was onthe brink, buther skilled techniquebrought me backseveral times beforesettling into alight tickling motionacross the lengthof my shaft."Do you wantto cum nowbaby?" she cooed.I gasped outa yes, andmy eyes buggedout as shegrabbed hold andtugged me towardheaven. My backand hips arched,and the firstload of boilingsemen splattered onmy face. Shotafter shot sailedonto my chest,coating me insticky hot goo.She laughed asI lay wastedbeneath her, thenplayfully slapped myballs as shesent me tothe shower toclean up, butonly after takingtwo fingers ofcum off mychest and feedingit to me.

"After a whilethe police calledme back onGary's phone. Theytold me thecar was inthe possession ofits registered ownerand warned meI could beprosecuted for wastingpolice time."

Icannot believe it;you are orderingme from thetape. I turnand see youon the couch,whip in handpointing to yourtoes. I amnot reacting fastenough and youwhip me onthe back again.The pain isawful, my backfeels like itis on fireI have tearsin my eyesand you startto laugh andcall me" mybaby slave." Youhave now stoppedthe tape andtell me topaint your toes.

I bolted tothe back ofthe store andtore off theapron and undidmy fly. Sharonwas on herback lying onthe lunch table,her dress wasbunched up acrossher midriff andBruce was pantless and slidinghis glistening cockinto her moistcunt.

Myheart was racingand I wasreally unsure whatwas going tohappen but Ihad an ideathat I wasn'tgoing to likeit. Lisa approachedwith a knifein her handand I wasreally scared formy life. Ididn't really thinkthat she wasgoing to killme but Ihad no ideawhat they weregoing to do.She began cuttingoff my clothesand soon Iwas completely naked,looking at 4of the meanestlooking women Ihad ever seen."Lisa, please letme go" Ibegged. "Shut thefuck up bitch"she waled. "Iam going toget my sweetrevenge, and youare going towish that youhad never fuckedwith Judy". Withthat, she broughtthe tip ofthe knife tomy nipple andpoked it farenough to causeexcrutiating pain. Thenshe moved tothe other nippleand did thesame thing. Iheard a zipperand looked overto my leftto see thedyke opening asuitcase and beginremoving all kindsof toys andbondage apparatus.

Oh, don't bebashful, Violet, lookup. Say helloto Bradley.

Noone said anythingso Peggy reachedto the pileand drew acard. She turnedit over revealinga 10. Idrew a 3,Vickie a 4,Carl a 10,Cindy a 9then Richard flippedover a King.I pulled offmy T-shirt andhanded it tohim. Peggy tookthe played cardsand dropped theminto a box.I won thenext two roundstaking Peggy's jeansand Carl's shirt.Cindy won thenext hand andearned Carl's jeans.He looked embarrassedstanding in hiswhite briefs. Thenext hand Vickiedrew an Acethe first card,Peggy pulled a5, Carl a6, Cindy pulledanother 5, Ipulled a Jackthen Richard pulleda third 5.All three pulledtheir shirts offhanding them tomy wife. Peggynow had herpert breasts ondisplay for allto see. Peggygot even bywinning the nexthand and takingVickie's shirt. Carlwon the nexthand taking Vickie'sbra. I heardan intake ofbreath from boththe other guysas she uncoveredthose DD puppies.Things were startingto get interestingnow. At leastfor me asI could feelmy little buddystarting to standup an payattention. Cindy wonthe next roundtaking my jeans.As I tookthem off Iwas very consciousof the tentin my boxers.Richard lost thenext hand toVickie, leaving allthree men withonly their underwear.Carl won thenext round andwon Peggy's panties.She pealed themoff revealing acompletely shaved pussy,walked to thewall, turned andput her handsbehind her headmaking her breastsstand at attention.

"No. I amnot. I amgoing to helpyou submit, andthen you willask me forsex. It willbe part ofyour service."

Rogerfrowned. "I haven'tgot anything, darling,have you? I– I've noneed to keepany," he said.

"Oh Al... howromantic... nice."

"OhGod" I moaned,"I love havingyour big cockin me," Iwas loving thewonderful torture hewas putting methrough, and basedon his faceand his prettyeyes, he wasenjoying himself too.

"Keep suckingand swallowed itall."

"Did yousuck Phil's cock?"At first shedidn't answer, butHoward was inno hurry andlet the roombe filled withsilence. While hewas waiting fora response themarketing manager removedhis jacket andplaced it ona chair. Hepulled off histie, but nevertook his eyesoff the youngwoman before him.

I thought itwould be theend of us,for Nicole hadmade it clearif I didn'tarrange a sessionsoon, she wouldvacate her collar.But when Iannounced I wasn'tcoming to Missourithe second weekof August, shejust said thatwas fine, becauseshe needed theextra hours atwork to preparefor her ownfall semester tuition.Then we startedtalking about herflying to me,rather than mydriving to her.It made allthe sense inthe world.

This time? Itried to putthe thought ofanother encounter outof my headand concentrate onthe incredible actiontaking place atthat second.

'I'mafraid so. Idon't know whetherit was luckor design butyou caught meright in thekidneys.' I confessed,'Are you alwaysso accurate?'

Damien helped Ruthieand Penny intoone side ofthe stretch limo.Donald helped SongLee and Lorettainto the other.As he preparedto enter afterthem, Loretta puther hand tohis chest andshook her head.
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