Thursday, April 19, 2007

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mature oral sexpantyhose I yelledout to mywife, that Iwas going torun out topick up somedonuts for thekids... She repliedto make sureI picked upsome for Janetand her kids,(a common practicebetween us), andI told herthat was myplan.

The waterchurned in thehot tub andthe cool nightbreeze stirred thevarious potted plantsthat were litteredabout the deck.Cher was helpingDiane carry foodback inside fromthe cookout thatDiane and Jimhad thrown thatday. Most everyonewas gone soit was becominga more quietand intimate affair,something they allwere looking forwardto. The afternoonhad been fullof family andfriends, as wellas laughter, drinking,games, and loudmusic.

Shouldshe leave thecold but securevehicle and tryto find somesort of nearbyhabitation?

"Ummmmmmm, sexy,sexy, sexy," Sophiesaid, nuzzling herface into Roxanne'swet panties.

Gordonaccepts her greetingcollecting her smallhand into hislarger hand saying,"I know MissJensen My roomis across thehall, and itwas hard tonot hear youscreaming for help.'as they walk'My name isGordon Spence andthe pleasure isall mine. SinceMrs. Balder passedaway last yearI was happyto hear thenew teacher wasyounger. Anyone under75 would havemade me happy.They never toldme you weregoing to beso beautiful…….."

Sean'scompany had beenhired to helpMillennium Corp moveall their associate'scomputers, printers, andother miscellaneous peripheralsinto their newheadquarters in acomplex called theCrystal Palace wherea lot ofmodern buildings wereclustered together tomake one largecomplex. The jobinvolved several nightsand weekends toget everyone movedin without anydisruption in business.Although Millennium Corphad a fairlylarge staff ofhelp desk andcomputer support people,it required amuch larger groupto physically move,setup, configure, andtest all theequipment in thenew site. That'swhere Sean andhis group camein. Most ofthe guys inhis group wereoverqualified for thistype work, butthe extra moneywould come inhandy, so heaccepted.

"What else?"I asked. Suspectingthe answer.

"Would you mindhelping me unbuttonthe back ofmy dress?" askedMary, politely.

Thethought of Jenand her ina threesome withher younger brotherwould be sonaughty and soexciting. She stoppedteasing her clitwhen she wasjust short ofcumming. Because sheknew that shedidn't have permissionto cum yet.Master Nigel wouldtell her whenit was hertime.

Cathyleaned over andkissed her husband."I love watchingporn with you,"she cooed andkissed him again."Happy birthday!" Asshe leaned backon the sofa,Cathy unhooked theclasps holding thebib of heroveralls, leaving herlarge and lovelybreasts exposed. Idon't know anddidn't care ifshe saw melick my lipsjust then.

FinallyI can takeno more. Yougently remove theclamps, rubbing mynipples with thepalms of yourhands to easethe sting. Youslide the dildoout of myaching pussy andpull the vibratorfrom my pussylips and thecool air soothesthe overheated flesh.Lying on thebed, I feelshell shocked, overwhelmed,on sensory overload.As I recoveryou begin raininglight kisses allover my body,softly sucking andlicking, bringing meslowly back intothe moment.

Predictably the moodwas good, evenif J's expressionkept slipping backinto that vaguelytroubled look shehad, a thingwhich she didso endearingly Ifelt, and whichshe had createdover the pastfew years intosomething of atrade-mark on-screen.

Hervelvety alto wasabout to runout of mundanethings to saywhen it finallybecame clear: mymother had toldher that Iwould be inTucson on business,and Sally nowlived there, andwouldn't I likesome company whenI was inthe desert?


Of courseduring all ofthese conversations withBruce, Tom wasbringing home menwho fucked me!I really beganto hate allof this sexwith these unknown,uncaring men. Thetreatment I receivedfrom some ofthem was almostbrutal and theyhurt me alot. One ofthe really bigmen fucked mewhen I wasalmost dry andthis hurt mea great deal.It only becameenjoyable when Ihad become arousedenough to lubemyself and eventhen he hurtme because ofhis huge size.His cock wasdefinitely the largestI had everexperienced. When hehad finished withmy and hadshot his loadof cum intome he pulledout and toldTom he wantedmore. Tom readilyagreed - thiswas the firstoccasion when Tomallowed any manto fuck metwice - andso, after ashort rest, Iwas told toprepare myself again.This time Iwas made tokneel on myhands and kneeswhile the giantlined up behindme. I knewit was goingto hurt mebecause of whatI had feltjust a fewminutes before. Hethrust his bigcock into mycunt and shovedit right insideme. He pumpedme for afew strokes andthen withdrew hisvery hard andbig cock. Next,to my horror,he placed hiscock head againstmy rosebud arseholeand began pushingand shoving untilat last hebroke through andpushed his greatcock deep intomy arse! Oncein there itdidn't feel soterrible but justthe same ithurt me alot. He pumpedme hard andat last Icould feel himtense up andhe shot hisload of cumdeep into myarsehole. Gee hehurt me whenhe finally pulledout. He thendressed and leftus. Tom wasvery excited byall of thisalthough he madeno attempt toapproach me. Ithought it mightbe possible forhim to fuckme in thearsehole because ofwhen he haddone in prisonbut alas therewas no signof any erectionon his part.

"Sorry, my robeis kind ofshort."

"Are yousure?" she queried.

Even though itsounds cliche, butone evening, duringthe playoffs, myselfand several ofmy male friendsand a coupleof my cousinswere getting drunkand rowdy asthe Knicks werelosing. Lisa wassupposed to bethe party's hostess,but she spentmost of hertime getting drunkoff of champagne.She was walkingaround in oneof my basketballteam tank tops,which fit herso loosely, thatwhen you lookedat her fromthe side, herbreasts were infull view. Shewas also wearinga pair ofloose fitting rippedup jeans, thathad holes inthe crotch areaand ass area,of course shewasn't wearing anypanties. She struttedaround the room,wanting all eyesto be onher. I wasturned on byher. I couldn'ttell what anyoneelse was thinking.No one reallylooked at hertoo much, Iguess out ofrespect. Like aspoiled child, Lisawanted all theattention, so shedid something aboutit. Like acliche scene froman x-rated movie,Lisa stands infront of theTV and withoutnotice, takes offher shirt. Shepalms her breastsand says "Wouldn'tya'll rather lookat these?" Theguys are inshock, staring backat me, asif I hadsomething to dowith it.

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