Thursday, April 19, 2007

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Over thenext few dayswe emailed backand forth, discussingthe pictures. Hethought they weregreat, and thatwas when hetold me thathe got ahardon when helooked at them.Heh. I toldJen what he'dsaid, and eventhough she claimedto be shockedand horrified thathe'd thought ofher sexually, Icould see thelittle look oflust hiding behindthe blush. Alittle later Ifelt her handslip around mycock as Ityped my replyto his latestemail.

Instinct,he thought; itwas not anyconscious understanding thatmade her spreadher legs apartas he roameddownward, kissing herbelly button, herhips, sliding hishands over thighsthat were assatiny as he'dthought they wouldbe. He ranhis thumbs overthe outermost edgeof her flesh,and she jerked,watching with wideeyes, moving withhips that understoodwhat her bodycraved, even ifshe did not.He bent tokiss her there,flicking lightly withhis tongue. Justonce, and itwas enough. Shecried out again,and he slidback over her,to begin anew foray fromthe opposite sideof her throat,to the untastedbreast, and downagain....

"Ouai. Cool!"echoed Janine. "Çamarche bien. Where'sthe wine? Iwant a drink.And I wantit now."

nj13guy:Then Frank takesher inside, whilefeeling her bodtyas much ashe can

"I'd never beforeseen that soft,tender expression inhis eyes, andI realized thatmy lips –what I wasdoing – werecausing him tolove me...or loveme more thanhe did before!I couldn't getenough of thatlook, so Ibegan moving myhand on hiscock. I eventook more ofit in mymouth, licking it,which made himgrimace and groan,and once againto glance downwith that lovinglook. So, Imoved my tonguearound his prickagain – severaltimes – andopened my mouthwider. Of course,he took advantageof that."

Roughly,I grasp yourarm and afist-full of yourhair, pulling yourear to mylips. Again, myforceful whisper sendsa tingle downyour spine.

Irelish licking hiscum off mylips and swallowingbefore tenderly goingback to cleaninghis cock. AsI look atthe utter satisfactionand pleasure inhis eyes Ican't help butgiggle at hisgoofy smile.

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AsJulie lay nextto her sleepinghusband, her thoughtswere about herblack lover whomshe had justleft. Her vaginawas still warmand wet anda little sorefrom the workoutJason's rigid rodhad just putit through. Hehad plunged deeperinto her thananyone had everbefore. In hermind she visualizedthe very thickpurplish/black head asit parted thelips of herpulsing pleasure pitand stretched hertight white pussyas the musclesof her loinstried desperately tosqueeze the invadingonyx shaft whileit slid slowlydeeper and deeperinto her lovecanal. She foundherself on theverge of anorgasm as sherecalled how wonderfullypleasurable Jason's incrediblyhard and enormousblack shaft feltas the tipof its swelledhead pushed againsther cervix. Oncehe had movedhis pulsing manhooddeep inside ofher, Jason laymotionless atop ofhis white loverand stared deepinto her eyes.She remembered nowhow she hadloved that momentas she felthim so hardand so deepinside of her,and she tookin the beautyof his bodyas he proppedhimself above her,resting on hiselbows. His thicklymuscled, smooth, blackchest with theeven blacker puckerednipples came intoher mind's view.Now, she rememberedhow he movedhis handsome faceinto hers andkissed her longand deep withoutmoving his throbbingblack pleasure stick.But when hedid finally moveit, almost allthe way outof her andthen thrust itback into herwith amazing force,she came immediatelyand her bodyarched and twitchedand spasmed inpleasure. She rememberedhow he hadcontinued to thrustinto her withfantastic force formany long andpleasurable minutes. Shecame repeatedly asJason's tightly muscledblack body pumpedhis throbbing penisinto her drippingwhite vagina bringingher to newheights of pleasurethat she hadnot until thenexperienced with anyman. Finally, whenhe came inher, she recalledhow his wonderfullysculpted black bodystiffened in pleasurewhile his loveshaft pumped streamafter stream ofgooey cum deepinto her womb.She held himtightly, as hedid her, andhe stayed hardand throbbing inher pleasure portfor a long,long time.

"Do you guysknow a goodsex therapist intown?" First thingthat came tomy mind, whatelse could theymean by "Help"?

I was runningvery late. Flightdelays, slow baggagehandlers, it tookforever to getaway from theairport. I wassupposed to meetyou at thehotel at 5:00,and it wasalready 6:00. Thiswas our weekendaway. Away fromjobs, phones, computers.Just for us.And already Iwas screwing itup.

Asher hot mouthworked it's magicon me Ithought back tothe events ofa year ago.I still rememberedthe day mywife told methat she wasdivorcing me, "Ilove you Bobbyand it hurtsme to dothis, but Iwant babies, morethan anything elseI want babiesand since youare sterile andcan't give themto me Ihave no choicebut to lookfor someone whocan."

"I waslying on therecliner in thecorner."

In thisman's room Inoted a fadedphoto of ayoung 1930's couple,standing by aModel "A" Fordin a hayfield,A picture ofa battle hardened,bone tired Marineholding a samuraisword on IwoJima, next toa 1958 photoof a littleleague ball team,next to a1965 photo ofhim shaking handswith Elvis. Onthe other wallswere ribbons, plaques,photos of family,friends, parties, weddingsand a cabinon a lake.

We dothis.

"Yes, youwill. In factyou are goingto do itnow. Get ridof the towel."

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